Snack-sized wellbeing support for an entire community

Snack-sized wellbeing support for an entire community

The Friends of Ireland Wellbeing Service provides an ‘Irish voice’ for Irish citizens in New Zealand who are dealing with wellbeing challenges as a result of COVID-19. Hummingly’s Wellbeing Snack Videos serve as bite-sized conversation starters.

Packed with science, stories and practical tips, the Wellbeing Snacks are a great tool to support those with existing expertise in the community as they tease out challenges, strategies and encourage a web of support between community members.

Sharing stories and experiences across the community will lift everyone. They also link the more reticent members of the community with ways to view wellbeing information in a private setting.

The wellbeing snacks feel personal - they are designed in a way where you feel you are in the room with Jolie and Elizabeth as they tackle issues that are so on-point right now.

I love, love, love the videos and the summary sheets and I can see these as a huge asset to our community.



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Cards for Calamity, drought, wildfires and then COVID-19